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Welcome to join us!

Tampines Arts Troupe (TAT) is a non-profit Registered Society and Charity. Per government’s regulation, we are required to have a Management Committee and membership in order to perform the function of the Troupe’s objectives. As such, we invite all students to join in as members of the Troupe.

Our Troupe’s Objectives are:

- Preserve and promote Chinese cultural dance, Ballet and Ethnic dance through various dance techniques.

- Organize and participate in cultural performance

- Organize courses, workshops, seminars on song and dance and related arts activities.

Benefits of Membership:

- Exposure to learn dances from Professional Dance Choreographers of the Troupe.

- Exposure to learn dances from Invited Special Guest Choreographers.

- Eligible to participate in major-scale concerts in the Dance Theater.

- Opportunities to perform in various invited events

- Other special subsidies given.

TAT is a reputable non-professional arts troupe with standards. Due to our outstanding performance over the years, TAT has been invited by Tampines East Community Club to be the resident arts troupe since 1997. To comply with COVID safety regulation, we had moved our practice studio from Tampines East CC to FORUM 583 Orchard Road this year.

Membership of the Troupe is from 1st Jan– 31st December of the year.

Membership fee is $15 per year and is to be collected bi-yearly (total $30) from January onwards.

Membership for the performing class is compulsory and non refundable.

How to Join:

You may scan TAT’s PayNOW QR Code (UEN•S91SS0060L)  for payment. Please kindly indicate your name in the

payment. We will collect and issue an Official eReceipt to you within 2 weeks.

For new members please fill in the application form via the Link Below. 

淡滨尼艺术团是一个新加坡非营利慈善艺术团体。根据政府规定,做为一个注册的慈善团体,除了管理委员会之外,还必需有基本会员才能符合条件。 基于这个原因,我们诚邀热爱舞蹈的各位加入成为本团会员。


  • 推广与学习华族舞,芭蕾舞与民间舞

  • 主办,联办及参与文化演出。开办舞蹈及其它艺术相关课程


  • 与本团舞蹈老师学习

  • 优先报名不定期大师班

  • 有资格参与本团在剧院主办的大型演出

  • 有机会参与各类受邀演出

  • 享受本团的其它福利,如宣传片拍摄等

淡滨尼艺术团是一个有信誉,有水准的非专业艺术团体。 由于多年来的出色表现,本团于1997年受邀成为淡滨尼东民众俱乐部的驻地艺术团。疫情期间为配合政府安全法规

, 我们将表演组排练地址迁移至 FORUM 583 Orchard Road.

会员期为每年的1月1日至12月31日。 会员费每年$15.00 , 两年收一次(共$30)。 收费期从每年1月1日开始计算,会费不予退款。表演组的学员必须为本团会员。

请将 $30会员费Paynow/Paylah至Tampines Arts Troupe (UEN•S91SS0060L)或扫描以下QR Code 请在付款时注明您的姓名。我们将在两周内开电子收据给您。

Tampines Arts Troupe

Management Committee

2022 April 01

Membership: Donate
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